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99% - Student placement opportunities at VUM 2017

Time to Learn and Time to Grow Erasmus Student Placements at Varna University of Management Dear Erasmus university partner, We at Varna University of Management (VUM) are pleased to announce that starting this summer VUM will offer a series of student placement opportunities to students of our partner universities. 19/04/2017

99% - Student placement opportunities at VUM

Time to Learn and Time to Grow Erasmus Student Placements at Varna University of Management Dear Erasmus university partner, We at Varna University of Management (VUM) are pleased to announce that starting this summer VUM will offer a series of student placement opportunities to students of our partner universities. 06/03/2018

99% - Student placement opportunities at VUM

Time to Learn and Time to Grow Erasmus Student Placements at Varna University of Management Dear Erasmus university partner, We at Varna University of Management (VUM) are pleased to announce that starting this summer VUM will offer a series of student placement opportunities to students of our partner universities. 01/03/2016

99% - CIEE Access Scholarships Details 2017

Travel (SWT) program offers an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in American culture by living and working in a U.S. 12/12/2016

98% - 67 115

67 115 2006 年6 月 第 29 卷 第3 期 中国英语教学 (双月刊) CELEA Journal(Bim onthly) Jun.2006 Vol. 29 No. 3 A NEW MODEL OF TEACHING COMPOSITION Gong Xueping Sichuan Nor m al University Abstract   The teaching of basic skills of a co m position could be a quartet involving a cluster of interactions by teacher and students :warming up ,new ite m of presentation ,developing it and case analysis.This m odel can be repeatedly performed in the process of teaching different skills. The rather unusual grading procedure is very hu manism ,w hich lessens the burden of teacher s correcting ,m ore im portantly ,it stim ulates learners responsibility and explores their initiative and creativity.In addition , this m odel reveals an accessible way to learn with initiative by the strategies of performing the individual- featured and interactive teaching and learning , also it entrusts students with confidence and freedo m . Key w ords co m position ; teaching ;m odel   This m odel is co m posed of three parts ,one is the teaching of basic skills ,the second is writing practice , the third is checking and evaluation.In other w ords , this m odel is a cluster of interactions by teacher and students that could be repeatedly perform ed in the process of teaching different contents. The teaching of basic skills m ainly refers to teacher s behavior thatinvolves four steps :warming up , new ite m of presentation ,developing the new ite m and case analysis. Take the teaching of writing a paragraph as an exa m ple , the four steps are the activity of warming up ,teaching a piece of gra m m ar & m echanics ,m ore sentence patterns concerned ,and the activity of case analysis. The following is the description in detail. Teacher organizes the activity of warming up.In warming up ,first ,teacher writes a topic on the blackboard and lets students contribute sentences freely w hich relate to the topic.So m e students surely m ake good sentences w orthy of teacher s praise and of popular use ;take care not to criticize the poor w ork done by so m e students so that teacher can successfully inspire the w hole class initiative in the teaching of every tim e. In sequence , it s now the high tim e for teacher to teach gra m m ar ,for exa m ple , the correct use of capitalization ,or the correct use of part of speech ,but with no m entioning of w ho s mistake.Students usually can be concentrated on listening to their teacher because the teaching of gra m m aris closely related to the difficulties they m et in free writing. After the tw o steps , teacher shall develop the teaching by contributing m ore sentence patterns of the topic w hich students failto give , but are useful for developing the topic ,and requiring students to imitate m ore sentences based on the patterns.This step is challenging ,but full of interesting. When students are writing ,teacher m ay gather so m e basic sentences faults to m ake case analysis , m ay choose the sentences lacking conciseness ,point out the a m biguous expressions or the twisted sentences ,or the sentences of Chinese- English expressions fro m students etc.Teacher s explanation and correction of the faulty sentences w ould w ork successfully ,and always can call students response directly. 115 A Ne w Model of Teaching Co m position   Gong Xueping Teaching basic skills in this way strategically transforms the dull knowledge- explanation into a co m petitive ga m e that not only puts knowledge across students ,but also stim ulates another eager try in the following teaching. This process involves tw o tim es of mistakes correction and one new ite m of presentation ,m ost im portantly , it e m bodies a continuable interaction between teaching and learning. The second part of the m odel is writing practice ,m ainly an exercise given to students.In the teaching of writing a paragraph ,the exercise is divided into tw o :polish of writing ,and focus arrange m ent of sentences. After the four- step procedure ,students are m ore conscious to re- write and refine their written sentences. They will take gra m m ar into consideration ,they will use patterns to express and they will try to write plain and distinct sentences w hile writing. Up to now ,the sentences they wrote are generally correct ,can convey sense.The closely followed exercise is the training of focus arrange m ent.Before re- arranging sentences , teacher m ay re mind students of the topic again , lead the m to have a sm all discussion by m aking everybody have a say. Around the topic ,students are inspired to increase or decrease so m e sentences they hope.Since the exercise focuses on the establish m ent of the m ain idea of a paragraph , it s not the tim e to correct the error of the new-written sentences if there is any.Only w hen students have a centered idea in their mind ,can they organize the sentences into a paragraph ,avoid redundancy and a m biguity. Though this paragraph is not written in a breath ,the training leads students to write fro m single sentences to a paragraph step by step.Sure they shall write a good paragraph after m any tim es of this training. The last part of the m odel is checking and evaluation w hich are interesting and inspiring.The new teaching m odel also calls for a m obilization of students initiative.Stressing the learner- centered pattern in the teaching and learning process ,Daniel A . Kister ,an Am erican professor ,teaches in Sichuan Norm al University ,he w orks as a good exa m ple.In his writing class ,seven or eight students good at writing serve as tutors for other students , they grade an assign m ent for other students ,not the teacher. Following the set norms , the tutors first give a tentative grade to the assign m ents of students w ho did not tutor.In the light of the tutor s grade ,each student then gives his/ her ow n grade and returns the assign m ent to the teacher.If this grade differs fro m the tutor s grade by m ore than three points(ten points for total), the student gives a one- sentence reason for altering it.The teacher reviews and gives the final grade ,usually accepting the students grades of their ow n w ork(Daniel ,2003) .Other teachers followed Daniel s suit or m ade so m e m ore try , for exa m ple , each tim e they chose seven of the class to be tutors , teacher corrected the tutors assign m ents one by one and face to face ,then ,each of the seven tutors graded the assign m ents of his group w ho did not tutor and returned the graded assign m ent to his fellow m en.His fellow m en w ould re- check it and evaluate his tutor s grading , then he ll grade his ow n assign m ent ,co m paring his tutor s grading with his ow n ,presenting his opinion m aybe ,returned the assign m ent to the teacher. Teacher keeps a record of each student s self- learning data to observe , evaluate and supervise the w hole process of each student s self- learning. This rather unusual grading procedure lessens the burden of teacher s correcting , m ore im portantly ,it stim ulates students responsibility in judging their ow n w ork ,they beco m e m ore interested and involved with analysis , speculation and criticism ,therefore ,the exploration in learning cultivates student s initiative and creativity.As for teacher ,he is always a guide and a designer in the w hole process of teaching and learning. Let s have a sim ple look at another exa m ple , the teaching of coherent paragraphs. In warming up ,students are required to organize w ords and phrases into a sentence and then put several sentences into a paragraph with logic ,paying attention to the linkage of sentences. The miscellaneous errors of writing a paragraph now lie in the use of conjunctions of sentences. Teacher will take the chance to teach the m echanics of using conjunctions. Taking the organized paragraphs fro m students as sa m ples ,teacher m ay present so m e proper conjunctions and ,at the sa m e tim e present so m e im proper or zero ones as well to co m pare , letting students discuss till they agree.This correction is done without m uch conspicuous notice ; it s also the presentation of a new ite m .This style of teaching is very arguing ,interactive and effective. Basing on the teaching ,teacher will contribute another paragraph to drill the use of conjunctions ,better repeat the sa m e conjunctions learnt above so that he can m ake students bear the use of conjunctions wellin mind. 116 CELEA Journal 67 The third step of teaching basic skills is spreading the technique , fro m the use of conjunctions to the use of other transitions ,a w ord or a phrase for instance ,by organizing ten disordered sentences or m ore into tw o or three paragraphs ,stressing that the tw o paragraphs are in the logic connection of a certain topic.Between paragraphs ,based on the m eaning of sentences or on the m ood of speaker ,a proper transition is needed.Only w hen students understand the function of a transition ,could they know w hat a transition is ,and know w hen and how to use a transition. As far as students roughly know the use of conjunctions and transitions , teacher m ay give another group of sentences , require students to link the m with conjunctions or transitions around a m ain idea that the sentences m ay convey. The last is case analysis.Students w ork m ay differ fro m each other ,so m e write sentences without logic , so m e m ay m ake an im proper shifting in focus of paragraphs ,others m ay present broken sentences in m eaning because of the wrong use of conjunctions. Teacher gathers faulty use of the m as m any as possible ,explains each error and corrects the m either by teacher himself or by students. For the second part , the writing practice teacher assigned for students as their ho m ew ork is writing a coherent paragraph.The exercise m ay include tw o ,one is organizing the given w ords and phrases into a paragraph by the correct use of conjunctions , the other is paragraph writing.Basing on the learning and practice of m echanics of conjunctions and transitions in class ,especially through the case analysis , students are eager to do the ho m ew ork by using conjunctions and transitions thatthey didn t know before. The last of the new m odelis checking and evaluation.Quite like the above , teacher first corrects the tutors assign m ents , then the student tutor grades for each of his group ,each student gives his/her ow n grade and returns the assign m ent to the teacher.The w orth m entioning is teacher s assign m ents to the student tutors. Each tim e ,seven students can have a chance to discuss with teacher ,the face- to- face co m m unication shortens the distance between teacher and students ,they feel dear to each other , therefore , teacher s guide can im press student unexpectedly. Within a se m ester , the w hole class can have tw o tim es of opportunities to get individual guide ,w hich is a great help for teacher to supervise his students self- learning. Face- to- face coach also e m bodies hu m anism that shows m ore concern for the individual difference and pays close attention to all sorts of students. At the sa m e tim e ,this m odel reveals an accessible way to learn with initiative by the strategies of performing the individual- featured and interactive teaching and learning ,entrusts students with confidence and freedo m .In checking and evaluation of the new m odel ,it shifts part of responsibility fro m teacher onto students. The circulation of initiative and responsibility turns out having aroused a bigger initiative and creativity fro m students. References Kister ,D .A .2003.The use of literature in teaching English co m m unication to Asian university students. Journal of Teaching English Literature 7 :118- 119. 117 30/09/2013

98% - International Summer and Winter Schools

Master degree students interested in Intercultural Management Web: 22/09/2015

98% - Cultural summer program

**Refer to page 5 Program Overview – Program Description / Details / Curriculum / Period / Responsibilities Program Description Myongji Summer Away (CSAM) is a specially designed credit-bearing 2 and a half week-long program for international students who want to learn practical Korean language or enhance their language proficiency and experience Korean contemporary and traditional culture. 17/03/2017

98% - Dictogloss

Dictogloss Dictogloss Procedure Prepared by Diane Tedick, Summer 2001 Decades of research on immersion programs have shown that although students develop both excellent listening and reading comprehension skills even at early grade levels, and although they are able to get their meaning across in the immersion language, even at intermediate and higher grade levels they often do so with non-target-like morphology and syntax. 11/11/2013

98% - 12 03 18 PFAnglais finie

Your students unions, being by your side day by day, are candidates again to provide an independent, pragmatic and close representation, carrying an ambitious project for ALL the students, beyond political ideas and supports. 26/03/2012

98% - Concordia Theatre classes Fall 2016

Concordia Theatre classes Fall 2016 PERC  398  AA  –  Oral  History  Performance   This  hybrid  seminar-­‐studio  class  has  an  enrolment  of  18  and  can  be  “upgraded”  to  accommodate   graduate  students. 23/08/2016

97% - Mr El hadj Gacem

1 - Classroom language 04 2 - Teaching receptive skills (reading and listening) 09 3 - Grouping students 12 4 - Eliciting and concept checking 16 5- Teaching large classes 18 6 - Teaching mixed ability classes 20 7 -Adapting the course book 22 8-Teaching speaking 25 9-Teaching writing 29 10- Assessment 32 3 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version The Anglo-Algerian Cooperation Training Teachers Classroom language 1 -EFL teaching Terminology *-Learners are asked to write the correct term next to its definition. 22/02/2014

97% - Booklet from Elementary to Middle School (Septembre 2019) CN

Booklet from Elementary to Middle School (Septembre 2019) CN SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION FROM ELEMENTARY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL A SMALL GUIDE FOR STUDENTS & 25/09/2020

97% - PatternBasedWriting Student Writing Success to find out how you can get all your students writing amazing essays and reports QUICKLY & 08/09/2011

97% - Monitoring learning in MFL classrooms

it means to check on students’ learning but also to reflect afterwards on your practice as a teacher and to put in place possible improvements. 17/04/2017

97% - Academic summer program

**Refer to page 5 Program Overview – Program Description / Details / Curriculum / Period / Responsibilities Program Description Myongji Academic Summer Away (ASAM) is a specially designed credit-bearing four week-long program for international students who want to learn practical Korean language or enhance their understanding in Korean/Asian culture through experience in Korean contemporary and traditional culture. 17/03/2017

97% - Galilean School of Higher Education University of Padova

Galilean School of Higher Education University of Padova CALL FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS 2017 GALILEAN SCHOOL of higher education The Galilean School recruits up to four University of Padova - Italy highly-motivated international students who are about to begin their 2-years master degree. 07/04/2017

97% - reda

The teachers effect on students achievement. 20/07/2014

97% - Student Success Coordinator Senegal

Student Success Coordinator Senegal Student​ ​Success​ ​Coordinator​ ​at​ ​EDACY  Dakar,​ ​Sénégal    Job​ ​type:​ ​Full​ ​Time,​ ​Contract​ ​(Renewable)​ ​–​ ​1y​ ​(3​ ​m.​ ​probation).  Reports​ ​to:​ ​Country​ ​Director​ ​Senegal     Position​ ​Overview    The​ ​Student​ ​Success​ ​Coordinator​ ​(SSC)​ ​is​ ​responsible​ ​for​ ​:   1-promotion​ ​of​ ​student​ ​success  2-coordination​ ​of​ ​student​ ​learning  3-coordination​ ​of​ ​training​ ​with​ ​instructors​ ​and​ ​mentors  4-creation​ ​and​ ​maintenance​ ​of​ ​a​ ​sustainable​ ​alumni​ ​program    The​ ​SSC​ ​manages​ ​all​ ​student​ ​success​ ​activities​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​students​ ​with​ ​required​ ​skills,​ ​hard  and​ ​soft,​ ​as​ ​defined​ ​by​ ​their​ ​program​ ​track.     He/she​ ​coordinates​ ​online​ ​and​ ​offline​ ​training​ ​delivery,​ ​technical​ ​and​ ​non-technical​ ​evaluations,  project​ ​presentations​ ​and​ ​all​ ​related​ ​academic​ ​learning,​ ​with​ ​all​ ​training​ ​program​ ​contributors,  i.e.,​ ​hard​ ​skills​ ​tutors,​ ​hard​ ​and​ ​soft​ ​skills​ ​instructors,​ ​academic​ ​and​ ​enterprise​ ​mentors.  Besides​ ​coordination,​ ​he/she​ ​is​ ​also​ ​responsible​ ​to​ ​recruit​ ​qualified​ ​candidates​ ​for​ ​training​ ​and  learning​ ​support,​ ​in​ ​both​ ​English​ ​and​ ​French,​ ​in​ ​each​ ​learning​ ​stage​ ​of​ ​a​ ​defined​ ​program​ ​track,  for​ ​hard​ ​and​ ​soft​ ​skills.    The​ ​SSC​ ​collaborates​ ​with​ ​program​ ​curriculum​ ​and​ ​business​ ​development​ ​departments​ ​to  ensure​ ​curricula​ ​delivery​ ​is​ ​in-line​ ​with​ ​enterprise​ ​demands​ ​and​ ​provides​ ​insights​ ​and​ ​feedback  to​ ​ensure​ ​the​ ​curricula​ ​design​ ​and​ ​delivery​ ​is​ ​well​ ​managed,​ ​at​ ​each​ ​learning​ ​stage​ ​of​ ​a​ ​defined  program​ ​track.    Essential​ ​duties​ ​and​ ​responsibilities  ● ● ● ● ●   Serve​ ​as​ ​the​ ​SSC​ ​for​ ​Senegal​ ​and​ ​assist​ ​as​ ​required​ ​in​ ​other​ ​countries​ ​where​ ​EDACY  operates,​ ​or​ ​will​ ​operate​ ​in​ ​coming​ ​future​ ​(Ivory​ ​Coast​ ​and​ ​Nigeria)  Provide​ ​academic​ ​and​ ​student​ ​support​ ​services​ ​to​ ​increase​ ​retention​ ​and​ ​persistence  Assist​ ​in​ ​the​ ​planning,​ ​development,​ ​implementation​ ​and​ ​evaluation​ ​of​ ​EDACY’s  instructional​ ​and​ ​learning​ ​support​ ​services  Provide​ ​individualized​ ​academic​ ​support​ ​guidance​ ​and​ ​coordinate​ ​soft​ ​skills​ ​group  meetups​ ​on​ ​topics​ ​such​ ​as​ ​efficient​ ​study​ ​skills,​ ​team-work,​ ​remote​ ​working​ ​and  project​ ​management  Work​ ​with​ ​academic​ ​partners​ ​on​ ​the​ ​coordination,​ ​scheduling,​ ​outreach​ ​and​ ​promotion  of​ ​program​ ​tracks​ ​teaching​ ​and​ ​learning​ ​opportunities  ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●   Work​ ​with​ ​the​ ​marketing​ ​department​ ​to​ ​promote​ ​programs​ ​and​ ​services​ ​of​ ​EDACY   Effectively​ ​monitor​ ​and​ ​report​ ​(data​ ​reports)​ ​student​ ​learning,​ ​participation​ ​and  plateforme​ ​usage​ ​at​ ​each​ ​stage​ ​of​ ​the​ ​learning​ ​process  Maintain​ ​close​ ​working​ ​relationships​ ​with​ ​academic​ ​mentors,​ ​instructors,​ ​tutors,​ ​all  relevant​ ​external​ ​community​ ​bodies​ ​and​ ​other​ ​student​ ​learning​ ​communities,​ ​online​ ​and  offline  Oversee​ ​online​ ​and​ ​offline​ ​guided​ ​tutoring​ ​and​ ​peer​ ​help​ ​in​ ​each​ ​stage​ ​of​ ​the​ ​learning  process  Maintain​ ​EDACY​ ​alumni​ ​program​ ​with​ ​continuing​ ​education​ ​courses​ ​in​ ​soft​ ​and​ ​hard  skills​ ​for​ ​2​ ​years​ ​post​ ​graduation  Manage​ ​a​ ​database​ ​of​ ​EDACY​ ​Alumni​ ​including:​ ​CVs,​ ​employment,​ ​personal​ ​projects  and​ ​all​ ​relevant​ ​information  Maintain​ ​relation​ ​with​ ​Alumni​ ​with​ ​an​ ​inclusive​ ​active​ ​participation​ ​program​ ​of​ ​EDACY  alumni​ ​in​ ​new​ ​cohort​ ​activities​ ​as​ ​mentors,​ ​guides​ ​and​ ​helpers  Assist​ ​with​ ​one​ ​or​ ​more​ ​system-wide​ ​programs​ ​such​ ​as​ ​tutor​ ​training,​ ​program  development​ ​and​ ​student​ ​plateforme​ ​monitoring        Qualifications ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●     Bachelor’s​ ​degree​ ​required:​ ​Master’s​ ​degree​ ​is​ ​a​ ​plus  A​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​two​ ​(2)​ ​years​ ​experience​ ​in​ ​providing​ ​student​ ​support​ ​services,​ ​such​ ​as  student​ ​counselling,​ ​tutoring,​ ​student​ ​success​ ​workshops   Demonstrated​ ​advocacy​ ​and​ ​commitment​ ​to​ ​student​ ​success,​ ​online​ ​learning​ ​tools​ ​and  a​ ​deep​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​the​ ​challenges​ ​faced​ ​by​ ​African​ ​students  Significant​ ​professional​ ​experience​ ​with​ ​problem​ ​solving​ ​and​ ​conflict​ ​resolution  Well​ ​developed​ ​oral​ ​and​ ​written​ ​communication,​ ​planning​ ​skills​ ​and​ ​adaptability  Experience​ ​in​ ​project​ ​management,​ ​teambuilding​ ​and​ ​necessary​ ​digital​ ​tools   Ability​ ​to​ ​establish​ ​and​ ​maintain​ ​cooperative​ ​working​ ​relationships​ ​with​ ​faculty,  academic​ ​staff​ ​and​ ​students​ ​essential  Strong​ ​digital​ ​skills​ ​and​ ​big​ ​motivation​ ​to​ ​make​ ​things​ ​happen    Good​ ​level​ ​of​ ​English​ ​and​ ​French​ ​are​ ​prerequisits  Benefits  ● ● ● ● ● Opportunity​ ​to​ ​participate​ ​in​ ​innovating​ ​in​ ​higher​ ​education​ ​while​ ​having​ ​a​ ​real​ ​impact  Competitive​ ​salary  Accidents​ ​insurance   Holidays​ ​and​ ​annual​ ​leaves  Capacity​ ​building    Send​ ​your​ ​application​ ​before​ ​13pm​ ​GMT,​ ​27/10/2017​ ​to​ ​:    We​ ​are​ ​looking​ ​forward​ ​to​ ​hear​ ​from​ ​you! 13/10/2017

97% - rulesofprocedure

The playground of the middle school is accessible from 8h15 but the students are not authorised to enter alone into the classes or in the hallways. 09/01/2017

97% - Teacher Training Report MR Dahmane Kidar

* - Classroom language * - Teaching receptive skills (reading and listening) *-Teaching speaking * - Grouping students * - Eliciting and concept checking *- Teaching large classes * - Teaching mixed ability classes * -Adapting the course book *-Teaching writing *- Assessment 1 1-Classroom language The teacher must be: 22/02/2014

97% - Annual report 2014

14 2 Annual Report 2014 OBT PROJECTS - 2014 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES In the year 2014, OBT made a lot of improvements to the classes offered to their students. 14/03/2017

96% - Brochure CI 2014 ENG

ENA is a state administrative establishment which trains top level civil servants, preparing its students for careers in the highest ranks of the French administration: 27/10/2014

96% - Presentation EXO final version

TTC is currently training 18 vulnerable youths through ‘learning by doing.’ Most of the trainees come from the rural islands of the Mekong, and amongst all 3 students are ethnic minority people (2 Kouy, 1 Prov). 15/07/2014