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Réponses pour «cartoon»:

Total: 100 résultats - 0.026 secondes

100% - HUMOUR

Subjects were explicitly asked to respond with a press of a button if they found the cartoon funny (Figure 1A) or not (Figure 1B). 26/12/2013

99% - Beterz emirgerxhaliu

Beterz emirgerxhaliu La BeterZ Cartoon Team Equipe-type Bugs Bunny Scrat Ronflex Hulk Beep Beep Flash Zahia Robert Razowsky Kangourou Jack Elastica Taz Raymond La BeterZ Cartoon Team MANAGER Bugs Bunny, manager emblématique de la Beterz Cartoon Team, est craint dans le monde du ballon rond... 27/09/2010

97% - REISS

During the brain scan, the volunteers noted whether they found each cartoon funny or not. 13/01/2014

93% - HUMOUR 2

Participants of similar age and background to the subjects selected 42 of the funniest cartoons from a portfolio of 130 cartoons, rating each cartoon for simplicity and visual clarity. 13/01/2014



87% - Image Description

Image Description Image Description I) Identity the document This document is / consists of a cartoon in colour drawn by the artist Jeff Parker. 01/02/2017

85% - Communiqué de presse Puzzle Kitchen Android

Puzzle Kitchen est un puzzle game en 2D cartoon avec comme thème la cuisine. 27/02/2011

79% - humour3

In turn, visual stimuli differ mainly according to their manner of presentation, which can be static (for example, cartoon images) or dynamic (for example, short movie clips) (also see BOX 2). 16/01/2014


CINE DEC JAN animations ÇA CARTOON À LÉOGNAN Jeudi 27 décembre · à partir de 10 h La municipalité vous propose la DEUXIÈME ÉDITION de Ça Cartoon à Léognan. 17/12/2012

77% - tableau séquence bullying


77% - CV Peter LECOQ

CV Peter LECOQ LinkedIn Artstation Peter LECOQ Demo Reel 14.10.2001 Game Animator student Creative Nantes in France Brave 33 6 95 21 96 75 Benevolent Curious “I love to put myself in characters’ and creatures’ place to better understand them for my animations.” Technical Skills Training Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Graphics, Game Animation (2019 - 2022) Good Skills in Animation, Modelisation and Rigging Highly Detailed and Cartoon Modelisation (characters, creatures, tools, ...) University College of Albert Jacquard at Namur in Begium High School’s Degree in Applied Art (2017 - 2019) Public High School Eugène Livet at Nantes in France Illustrations, Concept Arts and Photomontage Almost fluent Written and Verbal Youth Work Qualification (2020) French qualification named BAFA Highly Detailed and Cartoon Texturing Good Skills in Modelisation Driving License (2019) Driving school Les Halles at Machecoul in France Integration of Characters, Animations and some Special Effects Integration of Characters and Animations Experience Third Year Game Jam (2021) Soft Skills make choices, ability to listen everyone, unite a team, organize work for a short game rendering Scouts and Summer Camps (2019 - 2021) Reactivity Find solutions Flexibility Teamwork adjust to children needs, explain games efficiently, be listened to and respected by a large group 12/10/2021

77% - chaines belgacom tv light

145 Sport 10 30 Baby TV 146 Eurosport NL 31 Disney Junior 148 TV Brussel 32 Nickelodeon 149 Ketnet 34 Disney 158 VTM KZoom 35 Disney 1 159 Disney Channel NL 39 Disney XD 181 Nickelodeon NL 40 Cartoon Network 182 Disney XD NL 41 LCI 183 Baby TV NL 42 France 24 184 Cartoon Network NL 43 Canal Z 187 Anne 44 MCM Pop 188 Trace Urban 45 MTV 189 JIM 46 Contact 200 MTV NL 47 M6 Boutique 211 TMF 50 Mosaïque 218 ARD 51 La Une 219 ZDF 52 La Deux 270 BRF 53 RTL-TVI 271 RAI 1 54 Club RTL 272 RAI 2 55 Plug RTL 273 RAI 3 56 TF1 274 Mediaset Italia 57 France 2 275 TVE 58 La Trois 276 Al Aoula 60 BBC 1 277 2M 61 BBC 2 280 Al Jazeera 62 Discovery Channel 281 Kids FR 63 Discovery Animal Planet 282 Five FR 64 Fashion 285 Zoom FR 286 RegInfo FR 800 Radio 1 287 Kids NL 801 Radio 2 A 288 Five NL 802 Radio 2 L 290 Zoom NL 803 Radio 2 OV 295 Info 804 Radio 2 VB 296 Info 805 Radio 2 WV 297 Info 806 Studio Brussel 299 Info 807 MNM 363 Info 808 MNM Hits 373 Belgacom 3D FR 809 Klara 555 Belgacom 3D NL 810 Klara Continuo 600 Belgacom 11 NL 811 Nieuws 601 Belgacom 11 1 NL 812 RBI 602 Belgacom 11 2 NL 813 Sporza 603 Belgacom 11 3 NL 820 Q-Muzic 604 Belgacom 11 4 NL 821 JOE FM 605 Belgacom 11 5 NL 840 BRF 1 700 Belgacom 11 FR 850 La Première 701 Belgacom 11 1 FR 851 VivaCité 702 Belgacom 11 2 FR 852 Musiq'3 703 Belgacom 11 3 FR 853 Classic 21 704 Belgacom 11 4 FR 854 Pure FM 705 Belgacom 11 5 FR 852 Musiq'3 853 Classic 21 854 Pure FM 860 BelRTL 861 MINT 862 Contact 865 Radio Nostalgie FR 866 Twizz 999 Info 23/01/2013

76% - mag cherif idrissi

Most of the times, publishers will wait until an Anime has been released through stations like Fox, Cartoon Network, and The WB. 31/07/2009

75% - chaines belgacom tv

75 Canvas (HD) 26 76 27 77 VTM (HD) 28 78 VIER (HD) 29 79 30 Baby TV 80 31 Disney Junior 81 32 Nickelodeon 82 33 83 34 Disney 84 35 Disney 1 85 36 86 37 87 38 88 39 Disney XD 89 40 Cartoon Network 90 41 LCI 91 VIJF (HD) 42 France 24 92 één 43 Canal Z 93 44 MCM Pop 94 45 MTV 95 46 Contact 96 47 M6 Boutique 97 48 98 49 99 50 Mosaïque 100 101 Canvas 151 102 152 103 153 104 154 105 155 106 156 107 157 108 158 VTM KZoom 109 159 Disney Channel NL 110 160 111 161 112 162 113 163 114 164 115 VTM 165 116 166 117 167 118 168 119 169 120 170 121 171 122 172 123 173 124 174 125 175 126 176 127 177 128 178 129 179 130 180 131 181 Nickelodeon NL 132 VIER 182 Disney XD NL 133 VIJF 183 Baby TV NL 134 2BE 184 Cartoon Network NL 135 136 185 Vitaya 186 137 187 Anne 138 188 Trace Urban 189 JIM 139 140 Acht 190 141 Kanaal Z 191 142 Nederland 1 192 143 Nederland 2 193 144 Nederland 3 194 145 Sport 10 195 146 Eurosport NL 196 147 197 148 TV Brussel 198 149 Ketnet 199 150 200 MTV NL 201 251 202 252 203 253 204 254 205 255 206 256 207 257 208 258 209 259 210 260 211 TMF 261 212 262 213 263 214 264 215 265 216 266 217 267 218 ARD 268 219 ZDF 269 220 270 BRF 221 271 RAI 1 222 272 RAI 2 223 273 RAI 3 224 274 Mediaset Italia 225 275 TVE 226 276 Al Aoula 227 277 2M 228 278 229 279 230 280 Al Jazeera 231 281 Kids FR 232 282 Five FR 233 283 234 284 235 285 Zoom FR 236 286 RegInfo FR 237 287 Kids NL 238 288 Five NL 239 289 240 290 241 291 242 292 243 293 244 294 245 295 Info 246 296 Info 247 297 Info 248 298 249 299 250 300 Zoom NL Info 363 Info 373 Belgacom 3D FR 555 Belgacom 3D NL 600 Belgacom 11 NL 601 Belgacom 11 1 NL 602 Belgacom 11 2 NL 603 Belgacom 11 3 NL 604 Belgacom 11 4 NL 605 Belgacom 11 5 NL 700 Belgacom 11 FR 701 Belgacom 11 1 FR 702 Belgacom 11 2 FR 703 Belgacom 11 3 FR 704 Belgacom 11 4 FR 705 Belgacom 11 5 FR 800 Radio 1 801 Radio 2 A 802 Radio 2 L 803 Radio 2 OV 804 Radio 2 VB 805 Radio 2 WV 806 Studio Brussel 807 MNM 808 MNM Hits 809 Klara 810 Klara Continuo 811 Nieuws 812 RBI 813 Sporza 820 Q-Muzic 821 JOE FM 840 BRF 1 850 La Première 851 VivaCité 852 Musiq'3 853 Classic 21 854 Pure FM 852 Musiq'3 853 Classic 21 854 Pure FM 860 BelRTL 861 MINT 862 Contact 865 Radio Nostalgie FR 866 Twizz 999 Info 23/01/2013

74% - WANTED Bruital Cie

Interprété par une comédienne et un bruiteur créateur d’effets sonores, il s’inspire du film Western et du cartoon; 19/06/2018

73% - dossier pédagogique 2020

Sommaire - L’affiche du Salon 2020 - 50 ans de couvertures de Charlie Hebdo - La 5ème république de 1960 à 1990 - Cartoonthropie - De la plume au crayon ( Éric Calmels ) - De Gaulle à l’affiche ( Guillaume Doizy) - Je reste chez moi, je suis un héros - Tous confinés ( Kristian ) - Confinement, déconfinement ( Michel Hulin ) - Le tour du confinement ( Philippe Gauvin ) - Bell brochette ( Steve Bell ) - Index ( Maurice Tournade) (de Darwen à Loup) ( France Cartoon ) 2020 : 16/10/2020

72% - DM anglais

The corpus proposed contains two press articles, Execution fuels row over death penalty from The Guardian Weekly and Dying out from The Economist, both published on September 2011, a cartoon by Clay Bennett, published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press on September 21, 2011, and two Gallup poll charts on opinions in the United States graphics (from October 13, 2011 and November 8, 2010) These documents point out the key question of the future of the death penalty, is it really evolving in terms of actions and in our minds especially in the US? 12/12/2015

72% - BIG GIRLS BOOGIE mavis broom LINE

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) by Mika [Life In Cartoon Motion / Available on iTunes ] Grace Kelly by Mika [Life In Cartoon Motion / Available on iTunes ] She Is Just Too Hot For Me by Sam Millar [97 bpm / CD: 09/06/2011

70% - lollypop

Life In Cartoon Motion) Note Départ : 17/06/2011


P24- 27 2 Children and Bears We all saw the cartoon PETER PAN, but did you know that writing Nana was not a saint Bernard .... 26/02/2019

68% - Andrar 2 Channels list 2 (2)

Andrar 2 Channels list 2 (2) MBC Action MBC Darma MBC max MBC MBC2 MBC 3 MBC4 Nile life j1 NBN on tv Citruss tv C1 Rotana aflam rotana cinema rotana masriya H1 V1 57tv cnn bbc skynews tv5 fox news france 24 AImasriyah AI moustakilla AI Nahar AI Nahar drama AI NAHAR SPORT AI quds AI QUDS AIrafidain AI SABAH AI sharqiya AIsumaria AI sunnah AI Tarbaweiyahsoriyah AI THAKAFIYAH AI thaniya AI watan AI watan plus ALAan TV alDAFRAN TV Albait baitak cinema ALDAFRAH1 AlDawri alhass AI EMAN AI Geria alhayat1 ALHAYAT2 france24 eng alhayat 2 euro news nhk asia news aljazeera english cctv9 australia dw Alhayat cinema Alhayat mousalsalat AI Hiwar Ettounsi AI hIWAR AI hurra tv ALHURRIA AIhaneen music AIlraqiya Documentary Aliraqiya Aliraqia Aljadeed Aljaeera US aljazeera Aljaeera mubasher Aljazeera masr zoom tv V fashion tv hd rt cn GOLF setanta libya libya aiahrar llbn mahbooba majesticcinema marah masrawi aflam mbc masr echorouk algeria mea tv mehwar plus 2 medi 1 sat cinema2 Al hayat naniwa alghad tv otv sport panorama drama tv panorama drama 2 tv panorama comedy tv panorama filmtv jordan cbc extra Al arabic uae metv Al nahar miracle tv mtv mtv lubnan mtv-arabica music plus nart inagines movies infinity music kaleb Al sharqiya Al dafrah uae dubai racing uae national geographic ad nile nile sport nile culture libiya tv nat geo almagharibia tv drama mix abu dhabi d2 abu dhabi ATV FOX kanal7 kanald 24TV iqraa kanalturk nile drama nile cinema nile family ntv Al rasheed mms show tv haberturk tv 360 star tv trt 1 nile news trt haber nile sport nojoom1 trt turk trt sport trt cocuk trt okul trt avaz tv8 yaban tv national geo ad nessmaalkhadra noor dubai nour el sham dubai sports1 dubai sports2 belN-sport-2hd bein-sport-1hd TEN cRICKET FOX Movies arabic euro sport outdoor hd StarMovie ASN NTGEO Nick fashion tv bein sports1 bein sports2 bein sports3 bein sports4 bein sports5 bein sports6 bein sports7 bein sports8 bein sports9 bein sports10 bein sports11 bein sports12 por 2 sports por 3 sports por 4 suorts sportklub1 sportklub2 2m morocco 4shbab 7-stars AAA-Music abu-dhabi abu-dhabi-sports1 abu dhabi drama abu dhabiemirates Aden Aghanina Aghapy-tv Alarabiya ALARABIYA aHDAS Aljazeera documentary tv Alkahera ALgharam cinema Alrai Aljazeera documentry Alazeera kids Aljazeera live alan alkout ALMAGHRIBIA Al Lubnania Al mayaden Alalakot Alnahar Alyoum Al NAHAR2 Al NAHAR Alaithara Alqahera w elnas AIqahera w einas2 AIQuranAIKareeem Ai rai AI rasheed tv AIRAYI AI-Resalah AISahraa AIsaeedah AItahrir tv AI Tunisia AIwatan PLUS ANB ANN NEWS ANN TV Arabica muisc arabian arryadia assadissa ashorooq baghdad bahrain sport bahrain tv nourmina tmb tv noursat kral tv noursat tv planet turk noursat a1 om durman ONTV Orient tv orient news oscardrama2 oscar drama otv sports tv yumurcak tv cartoon net work ans tv atv azerbaycan aztv cbc azerbaycan idman tv inter az itv lider tv medeniyet en region tv space tv xezer cnn international bbc world news france 24 dw europe pai news euronews tv5 eurosport eurosport2 vh1 eruopean mcm top mezzo nickelodeon disney channel karusel comedy tv bloomberg tv aljazeera int fashion tv chatbox top secret perec tmb ru muz tv oyoun jeddah palestine palestine alyawm nile comedy panorama drama2 panorama film Qatar Aljazeera en rotana classic rotana clip rotana khalijiah rotana masriya rotana mousica roya royal albadawiya royal edhak royal secret rusiya AI yaum sada aibalad drama sada AI balad sama sama cinema AIqahera w elnas sama dubai sat7 kida saudia sport scope tv semsem sharjah sharqia news Ajman ajyal-tv AI Arabic AL FAYHAA TV AL HAYAT AI Rasheed tv AI adala AIahly club Ai ahly tv AI Amaken drama AI anwar AI Aoula maroc AI aqsa AI forat AI Babeleyia AI Baghdadia AI Diyar AI ekhbariya AI eqtisadiyah AI fayhaa AI haqeeqa AI hurra lraq AI lraq-tarbawiyah AI lraqiya AI jadeed AI JAZEERA AI jazeera english AI KARMA ai MAGHRIBIA Ai majd AIMANAR AI masar Alwatan plus Alwatan ghanawi Aghani Ahlulbayt tv arabic Aghani tv Bahrain baghdad bahran tv CNA SAT TV copticsat tv dubai sports 3 english tv bangtv baraem bbc arabic beladi blue nile cairo cinema cairo drama cairocomedy cartoon net work CBC cbc sofra cbc 2 cbc drama cctv arabic chobra cima cima cnarabia cna sat tv CTV EGYPT CYC Djibouti DM TV DOM TEK DREAM 1 DREAM 2 Dubai dubai1 dubai sports dw arabic EI mehwar ennahar tv euro news fatafeat FOX Movies future news funoon future tv fx FX ARABICA Hannibal huda Ifilm ishtar jordan sport sheba tv skynews space power spacetoon star 1 cinema star 2 cinema sudan hod hod syria talaqie tamazight tayba tele liban baraem thalitha time cinema time comedy time drama top movies toyor ai janah toyor baby trt arabic tuhisia1 tunisia tv arabe tv5 monde wesal haq tv yemen zee aflam zweina baladna masr masr2 Al hayat cinema music plus al ada efilm nile family nile tv nile life nile drama nile sport nile culture semsem funoon tv channel al qahira sport tv canli thrill Cl hd star hd universal channel diva hd we hdwe hd bbc knowledge diva universal cbs reality nat geo wild animal planet cbs drama discovery channel discovery world discovery science viasat history viasat explorer axn scifi ru my planet drive usadba boets viphd maidan tv india tv 365TV 2x2 ntv online NTV football nash football life telecafe kuhia tv fox series france 24 aljazeera us Alarabiya Alarabiya ahdas Al nahar2 alan Alhuria lrag Algarbia Al hadath uae Al masar france fatafeat hawacom itworksch jordan logos tv mbc pro sports 1 mbc pro sports 2 kaifa koky kids karameesh ksa1 ksa2 ksa riyadiah ktv sport plus ktv3 AL sharjah sport spacetoon nbstv Al mehwar tv abu dhabi tv afaq alhayat 2 tv ad sports mbc pro sports 3 kuwait1 classic mbc pro sports 4 melody drama maraton tv medeniyyet tv mmc turk mtpk kazakistan odtu teknokent tv ogun haber tv olay tv on 4 tv planet iocuk planet mutfak planet pembe planet turk pozitif yaiam tv prens tv sakarya tv kuwait2 lbc classic melody aflem med livestation noursat alshabab noursat alkalima nouraat alshark mecca news alarabiya news al jazeera news aijazeera Al jazeera misr news bloomberg news cnn news dw arabic news russia today news russia today arab wesal haq tv wesal tv misra cinema spirit tv smc1 live sudan tv speda kurdistan syria aloula syria drama the world vin tv 67 tv a9 tv az tv balojon tv best tv bugun tv cnbc-e AL fayhaa tv Al hiwar tv AL tagher tv alrayi Alsharqiya tv Al hurra lraq alrai Ajyal saudi arabic Aljazeera mubaher masr aliraqia Alwatan kuwait iliem tv istanbul times tv istanbul tv kaikar tv kanal 3 kanal 7 avrupa kanal 23 kanal 26 kanal 27 kanal 28 kanal 32 kanal 54 kanal 55 kanal 56 kanal 58 crt tv kanal59 iairl tv iapul tv iay tv dunyo tv duru tv eczane habertv syria ege tv ege universitesi tv egeturk tv etv manisa euronews turkish fenerbahie tv firat tv finest tv first hd kanal 78 kanal e kanal f kanal firat kanal kabe kanal sokak kanal 09 kanal turk kanal urfa karesi tv kay tv kazakh tv kent 34 tv kepe tv azerbaycan keiif tv kiriehir tv sariyer tv show tupk tv sun tv konya sun tv mersin super tv tempo tv trtavaz muz tv trtdiyanet a haber nhk hd bs11 aljazeera cnbc bloomberg discoery hd discovery tw tunisia national1 medi 1sat maannews history hd rouge med low high livetvchannelsfree negmtv mekameleen marocforumsource net romedia discoverey science discovery turbo eve hd outdoor hd ngc hd ngc hd tw ngc people hd ngc wildhd fashiontv hd LI hd HBO hd hbo signgture hbo hits hd HBO family hd ilb t fox turk tlc fx hd star movie star worlds animax NBA hd karadeniz tv fox sports plus hd euro sport hd fox sports m-hd golf ushd fox sports hd autralianet work nlco kidsco hd skynews golf ABC nick mekke maflam quran tv ksa roya tv safa sat 7 sat 7 kids trtarapca trt6 trt6 tv trtbelgesel trtcocuk 4e tv acheloos tv aneo greece ant1 greece delta tv fos tv greek music hite kontra mega greece nea greece skai greece tv creta mavi karadeniz sun tv mersin istanbul times cinemax fox crime hd fox family hd catchplay hd syfy hd cbn news c span1 tv nhk world amimal planet flash tv klas tv gaziantep megatv klip tv sinema gaziantep olay tv ordon tv gtv kiroilu tv haber 61 tv ktk kazakistan haberturk madaniyat tv haberdar tv malatya er tv iitimai tv azerbaycan acartekin startv idman tv acartekin fox tv tv1 acartekin beyaz tv hd dost tv acartekin kanal hd kanal turk acartekin atv hd trt avaz acartekin aspor hd trt diyanet acartekin tv 2 hd ulke tv hd acartekin trt hd discovery world turk acartekin tv8 tv dream tv acartekin filtv hd cartoon net work turk acartekin netd turk hd atv turk acartekin kanal m hd 24 TV euro news sinema 1 nhk sinema 2 asia news sinema 3 fashion tv hd sinema4 cctv 9 documentary sinema5 australia plus sinema6 dw acartekin v fox action hd CN sky net sports fashion tv KUCELIM starmovie axn setanta ten cricket ntgeo bloomberg tv ntv sports channel news asia TV5 tpc live c span 2 tv 23/12/2014